You can cancel your order within 2 hours after payment. If you have not cancelled your order within this time, this feature will no longer be available until you receive the product.
If you have received a product and there are any of the following problems, you may apply for a refund:
1) Incomplete order - some parts are missing, not all of the products have arrived.
2) If the product has not been delivered within the guarantee period. Please note that guaranteed shipping period for foreign products is 60 days & up to 10 days for local orders.
3)If the product that you have received was not as described.
4) If you have received Damaged/Defected products.
5) If your order has been blocked by a Customs Station.
6)If you received a wrong product or the ordered product with a wrong size/Color
Make sure to mention the correct reason for the cancellation.
If the information are not clear, please go to the Account section, select the " Customer support" category and contact us.