Order cancellation
Statuses | Сross | Local |
To be confirmed | Yes | Yes |
Paid | Yes if the 2 hours didn't pass yet. | Yes if the 2 hours didn't pass yet. |
Shipped | No/ Yes (If the delivery time (20 to 45 days) have passed and the customer didn't receive his order. | No/Yes(If the delivery time (Max 10 days) have passed and the customer didn't receive his order. |
Completed | Yes ( need evidence within max 14 days for CB orders ) | Yes ( need evidence within max 3 days ) |
Awaiting payment | No (Order is not yet confirmed ) | No (order is not yet confirmed ) |
Cancelled | Impossible | Impossible |
Payment methods | Split-orders | non Split-ordes |
COD-LB | Coupon Or Cash through OMT | Coupon Or Cash through OMT |
Areeba(Visa or MC) | The refund will be done to his bank Card or by a coupon(The customer can decide) | The refund will be done to his bank Card or by a coupon(The customer can decide) |
ZoodPay - Installment | Recalculation for partial refund / or if the order is fully cancelled we can cancel the payment by OMT so, the customer will pass by them to get his money back or By Visa or MC if the installment was paid by Bank Card | Recalculation for partial refund / or if the order is fully cancelled we can cancel the payment by OMT so, the customer will pass by them to get his money back or By Visa or MC if the installment was paid by Bank Card |
ZoodPay - PAD | Not available in LB/But actually, it must be done by the Bank Card | Not available in LB/But actually, it must be done by the Bank Card |